Make Waves and Master the Lifeguard Test 2024 – Dive into Success!

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With bleeding wounds, which action should be taken immediately after putting on disposable gloves?

Apply a bandage to the wound

Elevate the injured area

Press firmly against the wound with a sterile dressing

After putting on disposable gloves for a bleeding wound, the immediate action that should be taken is to press firmly against the wound with a sterile dressing. This is the correct approach because applying pressure helps to control and reduce the bleeding from the wound. By using a sterile dressing to apply firm pressure, you can help promote clotting and prevent further blood loss. Elevating the injured area and rinsing the wound under running water are both important steps in certain situations, but they are not the first steps to take immediately after putting on gloves. Applying a bandage to the wound should only be done after the bleeding has been controlled with pressure.

Rinse the wound under running water


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